Work hard.
Be kind.
Grow into the best version of yourself —
Become what you were created to be.
Love. Forgive. Help.
Let your soul be rescued —
Dragged from the wretched, raging, ravaging world,
Escaping the stench of self-regard, pride, cruelty, spite.
Let hate disintegrate —
Like rotting clothes;
Reach for the elusive good.
Release the effusive bad.
Be tender to the damaged.
Hug those who hurt.
Heal the hearts of wounded souls.
Reconcile fractured family factions.
Leave behind a debris field of buoyant gifts:
Uplifting thoughts.
Honeyed memories.
Fond fables —
Lovingly left
For angelic-faced innocents,
Launching their journey (head-first)
Into life’s turbulent waves & jagged seas.