I’m back from my Summer hiatus. Cleared my mind a bit, got marginally healthier, & tidied up a few projects. Said my goodbyes back on June 15. Expected to return to Medium.com in September, but alignment of the stars, changing of cars, and the comin’ eclipse altered my plans.
My first post-break write (Aug. 5) was a ditty titled Folly in the Fast Lane.
In other news, I’ve decided to re-boot Sunday Meditations, where I expect to ponder a variety of topics — some funny, some sad, a few profound.
ALSO, I’m preparing a book of poetry for a contest. (Deadline Aug. 30.) Many of the poems (so-called) have appeared here. Read them if you like.
So that’s that. Vacation over. Pencils sharpened. Pens filled. Batteries charged. Desk cleared. (Sort of.) I’m dipping my toe into the murky middle of the Medium stream, where I expect to renew old friendships and make new ones. It’s nice to be back. Exceptionally nice — jsl