Coffee tasted a little better this morning; cereal, a little sweeter. After three days in the hospital, I was home—and oh so happy. If you missed my massive melodrama, there are links below to previous posts.
Short version: Last weekend, shortness of breath; chest pressure. Monday, called doctor; Tuesday, 9 a.m., visited her office. Then to the emergency room; admitted, that afternoon. Tests. More tests. Follow-up tests. One more test. Discharged late Thursday.
Today? Playing catch-up. E-mail. Facebook. Linked-In. Interview with an in-home nurse. Questions. More questions. Embarrassing questions. Paperwork. More paperwork. Even more paperwork. Done — finally.
Double Whew!
And now, . . .
Where do I start? How about this:
Coffee tasted a little better this morning; cereal, a little sweeter.
Jim Lamb is a retired journalist and author of “Orange Socks & Other Colorful Tales,” the story of how he survived Vietnam and kept his sense of humor. He needs to launch a “healthy living” initiative. For more about Jim and his writing, visit