Don't know how to gush. Wish I did. Your writing is an adventure: Somewhere between a drinking fountain gurgling on a warm day and a fire hydrant unleashed on a hot one. (The other analogy that popped into my brain was of barbwire mixed with whipped cream ... like I said, don't know how to gush.) I tried to visualize how words, images, and emotions flowed from your heart and mind through your fingers-tips to the pixeled dots-and-dashs that eventually splashed onto my computer screen. I imagined it to be like fireworks on the Fourth of July—or like the flares that lit up the sky on the night Titanic sank. I have more (much more) to say, but I'll stop here. (My Gush-o-Meter is tapping out.) PS: Thanks for sharing your art. Thanks for giving an old man a glimmer of hope. Blessings ...