Collages are Poems
In paper & paste,
Created in flurries
Of tea-time & space.
Remnants of this;
Fragments of that.
Segments of photos;
Slivers of hats.
Newspaper clippings,
String & old beads.
Tickets & thickets,
Sunflower seeds.
Chewing gum wrappers;
Cereal tops.
Christmas tree tinsel;
Strands from a mop.
Treasures & trashes;
Feathers & bones.
Buttons & ribbons,
Once left alone.
Special mementoes,
Torn from the past.
Needles & noodles,
Riddles & rafts.
Put a piece here,
Glue a scrap there.
Adding some sparkles,
Snippets of hair.
What will we do
When everything’s done?
We’ll start anew —
Having more fun.