Rain drizzle-dropped
Outside the dining room window,
Where the Pasternak family
Ate dinner, played Scrabble,
& argued about
Whose recipe best-represented Grandma’s,
When she won Blair County’s Chili Contest
Back in ’01.
Was it the large onion,
So finely sliced & diced?
Hand-crushed cloves,
Fortified by garlic powder?
Fresh oregano, ground cumin?
Ground beef, salt, & red pepper sauce,
Mixed with diced tomatoes (un-drained)
& kidney beans?
If only Grandma Pasternak
Had added portions
To her list of ingredients!
Teaspoons of this;
Cup o’ that, & so on.
Then the arguments could stop —
Unless that was her plan,
All along.
NOTE: National Chili Day is Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017