366 Action Verbs

3 min readDec 30, 2015


One for Each and Every Day of 2016

I know what you’re thinking: “Action-smaction. I can find these in my dictionary!” Yes, yes you can. But isn’t it nice that a fellow Medium-DOT-comer thought enough about you to compile an extensive (if not exhaustive) word inventory—one of which just happens to be “inventory.”

There are so many ways to enjoy this little directory. For one thing, the verbs are conveniently listed in what we like to call “alphabetical order.” Need an “A” action verb, start at the beginning. Prefer something in the L-M-N-O-Ps? Check out the middle. Sadly, no “Z” word met my high standards — but, right at the end, is the word “write,” which seemed the perfect caboose to round out a Medium writer’s train of thought.

NOTE: When I call this my list, what I’m really saying is that I Googled “action verbs” and hacked some other schlep’s work. It should be noted, however, that 1) the Goggled list was in the past tense, so I had to delete all those pesky “ed” thingies, 2) my schelp-meister had just 333 words, forcing me to hack three other lists to reach the 365 mark, 3) because of my extensive journalistic training, I checked to make sure 2016 was NOT a leap year—which, of course, it was. That meant that 4) I had to kick it up a notch and (“BAM!”) find a 366th word, which turned out to be “leap.”

  1. Accelerate
  2. Accommodate
  3. Accomplish
  4. Achieve
  5. Acquire
  6. Act
  7. Activate
  8. Adapt
  9. Address
  10. Adjust
  11. Administer
  12. Admit
  13. Advance
  14. Advertise
  15. Advise
  16. Aid
  17. Alleviate
  18. Allocate
  19. Allow
  20. Amend
  21. Analyze
  22. Anticipate
  23. Answer
  24. Appoint
  25. Appraise
  26. Approve
  27. Approximate
  28. Arbitrate
  29. Arrange
  30. Assemble
  31. Assess
  32. Attain
  33. Audit
  34. Augment
  35. Author
  36. Authorize
  37. Balance
  38. Boost
  39. Brand
  40. Budget
  41. Build
  42. Calculate
  43. Catalogue
  44. Centralize
  45. Certify
  46. Chair
  47. Chart
  48. Check
  49. Clarify
  50. Classify
  51. Coach
  52. Code
  53. Commission
  54. Communicate
  55. Compare
  56. Compile
  57. Complete
  58. Compose
  59. Compute
  60. Conceive
  61. Conceptualize
  62. Conduct
  63. Confer
  64. Conserve
  65. Consolidate
  66. Construct
  67. Consult
  68. Contract
  69. Contribute
  70. Control
  71. Convert
  72. Convince
  73. Cooperate
  74. Coordinate
  75. Correlate
  76. Correspond
  77. Counsel
  78. Create
  79. Customize
  80. Deal
  81. Debate
  82. Debug
  83. Decide
  84. Decipher
  85. Define
  86. Delegate
  87. Deliberate
  88. Deliver
  89. Demonstrate
  90. Design
  91. Detect
  92. Determine
  93. Develop
  94. Devise
  95. Diagnose
  96. Direct
  97. Disburse
  98. Discuss
  99. Dispatch
  100. Display
  101. Dissect
  102. Distribute
  103. Double
  104. Draft
  105. Dramatize
  106. Draw
  107. Drive
  108. Earn
  109. Edit
  110. Educate
  111. Elevate
  112. Elicit
  113. Eliminate
  114. Empathize
  115. Employ
  116. Empower
  117. Enable
  118. Enchant
  119. Encourage
  120. Enforce
  121. Engineer
  122. Enhance
  123. Enlarge
  124. Enlist
  125. Enrich
  126. Entertain
  127. Enumerate
  128. Envision
  129. Establish
  130. Estimate
  131. Evaluate
  132. Execute
  133. Exercise
  134. Exhibit
  135. Expand
  136. Expedite
  137. Experiment
  138. Explain
  139. Extract
  140. Facilitate
  141. Familiarize
  142. Fashion
  143. File
  144. Finalize
  145. Finance
  146. Fix
  147. Follow
  148. Forecast
  149. Formulate
  150. Find
  151. Gather
  152. Give
  153. Generate
  154. Grow
  155. Group
  156. Guide
  157. Handle
  158. Head
  159. Help
  160. Hire
  161. Identify
  162. Illustrate
  163. Implement
  164. Improve
  165. Improvise
  166. Incorporate
  167. Increase
  168. Index
  169. Influence
  170. Inform
  171. Initiate
  172. Innovate
  173. Inspect
  174. Inspire
  175. Install
  176. Institute
  177. Instruct
  178. Integrate
  179. Interact
  180. Intercede
  181. Interpret
  182. Interview
  183. Invent
  184. Inventory
  185. Investigate
  186. Involve
  187. Issue
  188. Join
  189. Judge
  190. Keep
  191. Launch
  192. Leap
  193. Learn
  194. Lecture
  195. Lead
  196. License
  197. Link
  198. Listen
  199. Locate
  200. Log
  201. Make
  202. Maintain
  203. Manage
  204. Market
  205. Measure
  206. Mediate
  207. Memorize
  208. Mentor
  209. Meet
  210. Minimize
  211. Moderate
  212. Modernize
  213. Modify
  214. Monitor
  215. Motivate
  216. Move
  217. Multiply
  218. Navigate
  219. Negotiate
  220. Observe
  221. Obtain
  222. Offer
  223. Officiate
  224. Operate
  225. Orchestrate
  226. Order
  227. Organize
  228. Originate
  229. Outline
  230. Outlive
  231. Overhaul
  232. Oversee
  233. Participate
  234. Perceive
  235. Perform
  236. Persuade
  237. Photograph
  238. Pilot
  239. Pioneer
  240. Plan
  241. Play
  242. Polish
  243. Predict
  244. Prepare
  245. Prescribe
  246. Present
  247. Print
  248. Prioritize
  249. Process
  250. Procure
  251. Produce
  252. Program
  253. Project
  254. Promote
  255. Proofread
  256. Propose
  257. Protect
  258. Provide
  259. Publicize
  260. Purchase
  261. Qualify
  262. Query
  263. Question
  264. Raise
  265. Rate
  266. Read
  267. Realize
  268. Receive
  269. Recommend
  270. Reconcile
  271. Record
  272. Recruit
  273. Rectify
  274. Reduce
  275. Refer
  276. Refine
  277. Reform
  278. Regulate
  279. Rehabilitate
  280. Reinforce
  281. Relate
  282. Relieve
  283. Remedy
  284. Remember
  285. Remodel
  286. Render
  287. Reorganize
  288. Repair
  289. Report
  290. Represent
  291. Research
  292. Reserve
  293. Reshape
  294. Resolve
  295. Respond
  296. Restore
  297. Retrieve
  298. Revamp
  299. Reverse
  300. Review
  301. Revise
  302. Revitalize
  303. Sanction
  304. Satisfy
  305. Schedule
  306. Screen
  307. Scrutinize
  308. Secure
  309. Select
  310. Set
  311. Settle
  312. Set up
  313. Shape
  314. Share
  315. Show
  316. Simplify
  317. Sketch
  318. Slash
  319. Slice
  320. Smash
  321. Sell
  322. Solicit
  323. Solve
  324. Seek
  325. Spearhead
  326. Specify
  327. Speculate
  328. Speak
  329. Squash
  330. Start
  331. Stimulate
  332. Streamline
  333. Strengthen
  334. Study
  335. Submit
  336. Succeed
  337. Suggest
  338. Summarize
  339. Supervise
  340. Supplement
  341. Supply
  342. Support
  343. Survey
  344. Synthesize
  345. Tabulate
  346. Teach
  347. Terminate
  348. Test
  349. Trace
  350. Train
  351. Transact
  352. Transcribe
  353. Transform
  354. Translate
  355. Transmit
  356. Treat
  357. Type
  358. Unify
  359. Update
  360. Upgrade
  361. Utilize
  362. Validate
  363. Value
  364. Verify
  365. Volunteer
  366. Write

BONUS-1 The Writing Life: 52 Quotes to Use as Your Muse in 2016

BONUS-2 Ready, Set, Jump: Writing Is Like Parachute Preparation

BONUS-3 Action Verbs! Part Deux

BONUS-4 There, They’re, Their

BONUS-5 It’s vs. Its

Jim Lamb is a retired journalist living in Florida. He’s author of “Orange Socks & Other Colorful Tales,” the story of how he survived Vietnam and kept his sense of humor. Jim read poetry as a child and dreamed about being a writer. Thanks to the G.I. Bill, that’s what happened. For more about Jim and his writing, visit www.jslstories.com.




Written by j.s.lamb

.Author of “Orange Socks & Other Colorful Tales.” How I survived Vietnam & kept my sense of humor.

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